My new collaboration with Poposition Press, Pop Up Birthday Party Greeting Card is available for preorder now!

This card features characters from my world waiting for the party to start. There's cake, presents, and all of the friends.
Each card opens flat to 8.5″ x 11″ and comes in a lilac A9 envelope. Back and inside of the card includes spaces to write a note to the birthday person! Also includes a special ‘Party Friend’ sticker!

Get your copy now on Poposition Press online store!
This is a pre-order. Cards will be sent out the first week of December.
ポップアップ出版社Poposition Pressと水野の新作コラボ商品、ポップアップ・バースデーカードの予約販売が始まりました!
開いた状態でのサイズは約21.5cm x 28cm、ライラックカラーの封筒と、パーティーフレンド・ステッカー(写真左下)もついてきます。

現在、Poposition Pressのオンラインストアにて予約受付中!
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