Happy New Year everyone! Here's my first drawing in 2020, year of the Rat.
Thank you so much for your love & support in 2019. 
I hope you'll enjoy all the projects I'm working on this year!

My new paper doll page in Japanese doll magazine Dollybird Vol.29 !
If you live outside of Japan, you can find it at bookstores that carry Japanese books such as Kinokuniya.

Happy New Year everyone! Here's my first drawing in 2019!

It's the year of the Pig in Chinese zodiac but in Japanese zodiac, the pig is replaced by boar so I drew them both.

I already have a lot of exciting projects planned for this year...

Art shows, new toy releases, books being republished, going back to Europe etc, etc. 

Thank you all for your continued support. I wish all of you the best for 2019! :) 


みなさん明けましておめでとうございます! こちら、今年最初のドローイングです。 




My paper doll page in Japanese doll magazine Dollybird Vol.28 ! If you live outside of Japan, you can find it at bookstores that carry Japanese books such as Kinokuniya.

I’m not going to San Diego Comic Con this year but Last Gasp (booth#1500) will have my graphic novel Little Fluffy Gigolo PELU vol. 1 & 2 and this free 4 page sampler of my upcoming coloring book! 
Also, Gallery Nucleus (booth#2643) will have my pins and art prints at their booth. They are available on their website but it's a good chance to check out what they look like in person. Stop by and say hi to them for me!

毎年恒例のサンディエゴ・コミックコンベンション、今年水野は参加しませんが、出版社Last Gaspのブース(#1500)では、「ファンシージゴロ・ペル」英語版の1&2巻、そして、10月発売予定、水野初のぬりえ本から4点の絵柄をプリントした無料サンプラーが配布されます。
また、Gallery Nucleus (booth#2643) のブースでは、彼らのウェブサイトで販売されている水野のピンバッジアート・プリントなどが販売されます。実際に手にとってご覧になれる良い機会ですので、コミコンに参加される方は是非お立ち寄りください。

We opened Junko Mizuno Etsy shop here! This is where we sell something odd created by Junko Mizuno that you can't find anywhere else! Such as the original of old magazine illustrations, sketches she did for paintings, old stickers, flyers etc. For now, we only have this 'Roommates' painting but we'll keep adding items. Our newsletter will be the first to announce on the new listing! 

New website is finally open!
For previous news, click on the link below.