
Woot Bear : BOOTH#302
Nov.23 (Sat) 3pm-5pm
Nov.24 (Sun) 11am-12pm
After Kidrobot, I'll be signing at Woot Bear booth. They'll have my Junko Bear resin figure sculpted & casted by Scott Wilkowski and hand-embellished by me!
$125 each, only 20 made.
They'll also have my handmade Steak & Egg ornaments.
Purple Large: $100 each (only 9 made)
Pink Small: $85 each (only 13 made)
signed & numbered on the back
These are one of a kind, handmade items by me so they will be slightly different from each other in shape & color.
Even if the items sell out on Saturday, I'll still be at the booth on Sunday 11am-12pm signing & sketching!
Woot Bear : ブース#302
Kidrobotの後は、サンフランシスコのアートトイ・ストアWoot Bearのブースに行きます。
こちらでは、Scott Wilkowski制作のレジンフィギュア、Junko Bearが販売されます。今回は白黒のレジンに、水野がひとつずつ彩色しています。
大・パープル:1個$100 (9個限定販売)
小・ピンク:1個$85 (13個限定販売)
Poposition Press : BOOTH#1125
Nov.24 (Sun) 1pm-2pm
On Sunday afternoon, I'll be at the pop up book publisher Poposition Press's booth and signing my stuff.
They'll have my pop up art book Triad, some single pop up pages and pins.
It's a great chance to see all the pop up books by different artists in person so stop by & say hi!
Poposition Press : ブース#1125
日曜の午後は、ポップアップブックの出版社、Poposition Press でサイン会です。私のポップアップ画集「Triad」や、飾れるポップアップ・プリント、ピンバッジなどが販売されます。他の様々なアーティストのポップアップ作品も手に取って見ることができる良い機会です
myplasticheart : BOOTH#107
Nov.24 (Sun) 3pm-4pm
They'll have the new, glow-in-the-dark Luminous Matcha version of my mini sofubi series Junkonotomo.
Set of five, $155 (50 sets available worldwide, only 20 sets available at DCon.)
The set comes in a cute clear vinyl bag!
myplasticheart : ブース#107
5体セットで$155 (50セット限定、DConでは20セットのみの販売です。)