My Tarot Collection Part I Exhibition is now available online!
Click here to see all the artwork from the show.
Some drawings are still waiting for their owners.
You can also get the new prints, Jelly (painting from my last food-themed show) , The Fool and Death from the tarot show.

And be sure to visit the gallery to view all the pieces in person if you are in LA.
The show is on display until Dec 10th at Gallery Nucleus.
210 East Main St. Alhambra CA 91801 (Closed on Mondays)

This is the first show of my tarot project displaying the first 20 card designs.
I'm planning to design all 78 cards in the next few years and finally make them into an actual tarot deck once they are all done.
We'll keep you posted on the progress!

水野のタロット個展「Junko Mizuno Tarot Collection Part I 」の全作品が、オンラインで閲覧・購入可能となっております。
また、前回の食べ物テーマ個展からの作品「Jelly」、今回の個展からは「The Fool」と「Death」が、新作アートプリントとして販売されています。

210 East Main St. Alhambra CA 91801 (月曜定休)


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