My second DSTLRY variant cover art is for Jock's new sci-fi comic, Gone.

Here's DSTLRY's official description for Gone:
On an impoverished and distant planet where menial workers scratch out a living resupplying starships, the best place to be is GONE…and that’s exactly where 13-year-old Abi wants to be. Along with her street-tough friends, Abi stows away on a colossal luxury space-liner, hoping for a better life. Unbeknownst to her, Abi’s “friends” are not who they seem, and she suddenly finds herself branded a saboteur as she desperately struggles to evade the ship’s deadly crew to stay alive! As the young heroine confronts betrayal, discovers her true allies, and fights against all odds, Abi will soon realize that nothing is farther away than…home.
Click here for more details!


Last year, I created this illustration for a horror anthology book, DEATH IN THE MOUTH edited by Sloane Leong and Cassie Hart.
They are running a funding campaign to publish the second book now and if you pledge $30 or more, you can purchase the print of the artwork I did as an add-on for extra $30.
Check out the details on the campaign page here.
The project will end on September 14, 2023 11:59 PM PDT.
For more details on the first DEATH IN THE MOUTH book, click here.
昨年、水野が挿絵で参加したホラー・アンソロジー本「DEATH IN THE MOUTH」の2作目を出版するため、クラウドファンディングが始まっています。
「DEATH IN THE MOUTH」の1作目に関しては、こちらをご覧ください。

I won’t be at SDCC this year but my Mominu figures will be there along with the awesome
DSTLRY artists signing & doing panels! Click here for the schedule.
For more info about Mominu figure, visit my website here.

To those who have been waiting… I’m FINALLY working on the 3rd, final volume of Little Fluffy Gigolo PELU English edition!
This time, I decided to do the first rough translation by myself.
It’s a big challenge but I guess it’s giving some good stimulation to my old brain.
More info TBA!
If you haven't read the first two volumes, you can order your copies on Last Gasp website.
You can also check them in person at their booth at SDCC (#1715).
They'll also have my Pure Trance graphic novel and coloring book there.
サンディエゴ・コミコンにいらっしゃる方、出版元のLast Gasp(ブース1715)にて、英語版ペルの1、2巻、英語版ピュアトランス、水野のぬりえブックなどが取り扱われる予定ですので、是非お立ち寄りください。

Mominu's edgy. Mominu's fierce. (And sometimes sweet )...
I designed this 5” collectible red panda art toy for the new comic publishing company DSTLRY!
The first colorway version will be available at SDCC, then in select comic stores August 30th. Limited to 500 and there’ll be 1-in-5 variant colorway too!
Call your local comic store and ask if they’ll have it!
If you have any other questions, please talk to DSTLRY directly!
There'll be more designs in the future so make sure to follow Mominu on: Instagram , Facebook and TikTok
Instagram , Facebook , TikTok

And check this out too!
“To celebrate the infernal inception of Mominu, Junko Mizuno also created a special 1-in-100 FOC variant cover for The Devil’s Cut, DSTLRY's debut publication.“ Please call your local comic store and ask if they’ll have it! If you have any other questions, please talk to DSTLRY directly, thanks!
DSTLRY から発売される最初のコミックブック、「The Devil’s Cut」のヴァリアント・カバーも描かせていただいています。こちらも日本での取り扱いは今のところ不明です。ご存知のアメコミ専門店などに直接お問い合わせください。

Happy 40th anniversary to Melvins!
I'm so honored and grateful to have been working on gig posters and to be able to design this new anniversary silkscreen poster for one of the greatest bands in the world!
Along with the lady holding the cake, I drew the characters that appeared in my past Melvins gig posters celebrating together.
Can you tell which ones they are from?

Melvins - 40th Anniversary (2023) silkscreened poster by Junko Mizuno.
Three editions available: Main (edition of 100); Lava Foil (edition of 20); Sparkle Foil (edition of 10).
'To celebrate the Melvins 40th year, we teamed up with manga artist Junko Mizuno to create a very limited edition silkscreened poster. The Melvins will have a very limited amount available on their upcoming ‘Twins of Evil’ co-headlining tour with Boris. The foil versions are Secret Serpents website exclusives!'




My decluttering project continues!
I'm selling the artist samples of the beer growlers I designed for Nucleus Portland in 2018.
Each one comes with an original marker drawing, Ouroboros magnet and a signed sticker.
Only four sets of each design available.
$100 per set, free shipping within the USA.
Will be available on my eBay shop at 6pm PDT tomorrow, Sunday June 18th.
*Items will appear on the page after the scheduled time. You don't need an eBay account to buy the items.
今回は、2018年にNucleus Portlandから発売されたビア・グロウラー(ビール用のボトル)2種のサンプルを販売します。
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