UPDATE/ July22,2024: This item is now sold out, thank you!
Since some people had to cancel their orders, we still have three signed Mermaid's Purse figure artist samples with original drawings available.
These are the last artist samples of this figure made by Mighty Jaxx of Singapore in 2019 so don't miss the chance!
If you are interested in purchasing, please visit our eBay store here and read the description carefully. Thank you!

前回のオーダー募集時にキャンセルが出たため、「Mermaid's Purse」のアーティストサンプル(オリジナルドローイング付き)があと3体入手可能となっています。
シンガポールのMighty Jaxxから2019年に発売されたこちらのフィギュア、販売できるアーティストサンプルはこれで最後となりますので、この機会をお見逃しなく!

My new variant cover for DSTLRY is for Life, the thrilling new series—in flipbook form by Brian Azzarello & Stephanie Phillips with artist Danijel Žeželj.
Mine is cover D (1:25 ratio)
Pre order at your local comic book store by 7/15.
More info on DSTLRY website here!

Each issue of "LIFE” is a flip book, housing one story from two different perspectives. A prison break and a heist both offer interlocking narratives, creating an immersive experience that will challenge your perceptions of justice while begging the immortal question: Who really wants to live forever?

コミック出版社DSTLRYからの新シリーズ、Brian Azzarello・Stephanie Phillips作、 Danijel Žeželj作画による「Life」のヴァリアントカバーを描きました。(カバーD・比率1/25)



Next up for my decluttering project is the Mermaid's Purse resin art figure that was released in 2019 by Mighty Jaxx!
The 7 signed artist proofs are the last ones I can sell.
Based on the exclusive wood print design made for Hi-Fructose magazine in 2011, Mermaid's Purse art figure depicts a couple's celebration of the birth of their baby shark.

If you are interested in purchasing, you'll need to reach out to us by 11:59pm on Tuesday, June 11th 2024 (PT).
まだまだ続く、水野の断捨離プロジェクト!今回の商品は、2019年にMighty Jaxxから発売された「Mermaid's Purse」レジン製アートフィギュアです。


This is my new painting Women's Truck that is going to be part of Popland IV group show curated by French artist Ciou at KochxBos Gallery in Amsterdam this Saturday, May 25th.

I always wanted to draw my own version of a Japanese decorated truck with my characters on it.
This is Women's Truck that runs only on nights with a full moon.
Nobody knows what they transport but there always seems to be a crazy party going on inside.
It’s known as a sign of good luck if you happen to see it running on the street.

I won't be able to attend the opening but some of the amazing artists from the show will be there to greet you.
Visit the gallery website for more information.
If you are interested in purchasing the painting, please contact the gallery directly.

Opening reception: Saturday, May 25, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Show will be on view from Saturday, May 25, to June 22, 2024.
Eerste Anjeliersdwarsstraat 36,
1015NR Amsterdam Netherlands

今週土曜日、5月25日にアムステルダムのKochxBos Galleryで開催されるグループ展「Popland IV」に、水野の新作ペインティング「Women's Truck」が出品されます。



Eerste Anjeliersdwarsstraat 36,
1015NR Amsterdam Netherlands
Here are my variant covers for two new comic titles from DSTLRY!

SPECTREGRAPH #1 is the debut issue of James Tynion IV (Something is Killing the Children, The Nice House on the Lake) and Christian Ward’s (Batman: City of Madness, Invisible Kingdom) haunted house horror series.
My variant cover is DSTLRY website-exclusive so you can just head to their website here and purchase it now!

SPECTREGRAPH #1 は、James Tynion IV (Something is Killing the Children, The Nice House on the Lake) と Christian Ward’s (Batman: City of Madness, Invisible Kingdom) によるホーンテッドハウス・ホラーシリーズの第1巻です。
私のヴァリアント カバーは DSTLRY ウェブサイト限定ですので、こちらからアクセスして今すぐ購入できます。

THE BIG BURN is a new comic written by Lucifer co-showrunner Joe Henderson (Skyward, Shadecraft) with art by his longtime collaborator Lee Garbett (Lucifer, Loki: Agent of Asgard, Uncanny Spider-Man).

Mine is cover E (1:50 ratio).
Ask your local comic store if they’ll have it!

"Owen and Carlie are the Bonnie and Clyde of the 21st century - a smooth, slick duo who pull off impossible heists, and have the time of their lives doing it. But when justice finally catches up to them, they think it's all over. Until the Devil himself offers them a deal - their freedom for their very SOULS. But they soon find that without their souls, their love is missing too. So they set out to recruit a crew of the damned for the ultimate heist: break into Hell and steal their souls back.
Joe Henderson and Lee Garbett invite you on a thrilling journey to a Hell you've never seen before. A place perfectly designed to give people hope, so that the devil can torture them with it when he takes it away. Again and again. That's right, Hell is a CASINO. And even with the greatest team of thieves, the house always wins."

THE BIG BURNは、Joe Henderson (Skyward, Shadecraft) 執筆、Lee Garbett (Lucifer, Loki: Agent of Asgard, Uncanny Spider-Man)がアートを担当した新作コミック。

私はカバー E (比率 1:50) を手掛けました。

I'm getting back to my decluttering project and selling 3 samples of my Kuro Megami figure that was first released by Kidrobot in 2012.
These are the last ones that I can sell so don't miss the chance!

This figure is the largest (and the heaviest) figure I've ever designed which is suitable for the majestic goddess character.
Only 200 made as part of Kidrobot Black series.
One of them is on display at Asian Comics exhibition at Bowers Museum in Santa Ana right now.
Each figure comes in the original package with an original marker drawing, certificate of authenticity cards and a signed sticker. 

U.S. domestic shipping only. Sorry, we are not able to ship this item internationally.


My new variant cover for DSTLRY is for Jamie McKelvie's One For Sorrow, a Victorian gothic blockbuster about a serial killer called The Magpie and the three souls who attempt to reveal their identity.
Mine is cover E (1/50 ratio).
Also check out all the other beautiful covers by Jamie McKelvie, Tula Lotay and Becky Cloonan (images below)!

Read more about it on COMICBOOK.COM here.

コミック出版社DSTLRYからの新シリーズ、Jamie McKelvie作「One For Sorrow」のヴァリアントカバーを描きました。(カバーE・比率1/50)
The Magpie(カササギ)と呼ばれる連続殺人犯と、その正体を明らかにしようとする 3 人の姿を描いたビクトリア朝のゴシック大作。

Jamie McKelvie 本人、Tula Lotay、 Becky Cloonanも美しいカバーアートを手がけています(下の画像)。

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