Four new art prints are available now from Nucleus! Click here to shop!

SNAKE MOTHER 12.0" x 15.2" (image size) : This artwork was made for egg-themed group show Ovum in 2017. Snake mother is celebrating the birth of her babies with the three nannies ready to take care of the tiny snakes.
We decided to make it into a print as the character appears again in my latest tarot art show as Page of Coins.

THE MAGICIAN 7.0" x 12.0" (image size) : One of the new pieces from my latest tarot show meaning manifestation, creator, power, inspired action, etc.
The witch character in this piece was first created in 2014 for the Halloween page of SOL, a 12-page art print set inspired by seasonal events. The tiny girl is a former spider turned into an assistant by the witch’s magic.

TEMPERANCE 7.0" x 12.0" (image size) : One of the new pieces from my latest tarot show meaning balance, moderation, patience, purpose, etc.
The goddess in this piece is originally from the Chocolate painting in my 2020 food-themed show. Chocolate helps me focus on work but I often end up eating it too much. I put her on a Temperance card to remind me to stay moderate.

EIGHT OF SWORDS 7.0" x 12.0" (image size) : One of the new pieces from my latest tarot show meaning negative thoughts, self- imposed restriction, imprisonment, etc.
The three-headed lady first appeared in 2012 on the gig poster for Mudhoney’s show in Marseille, France. I thought the dark image of her would fit the meaning of the card.


「SNAKE MOTHER」30.48cm x 38.61cm (画像サイズ) : こちらの作品は、2017年に卵をテーマにしたグループ 展 Ovum のために制作された物です。ベビーの誕生を祝う蛇の母親と、ベビーたちの世話をするためにスタンバイしている3人の乳母たち...
このキャラクターは、水野の最新のタロット展の作品に Page of Coins として再び登場したため、今回プリントとして発売することになりました。

「THE MAGICIAN」17.78cm x 30.48cm (画像サイズ) : 水野の最新タロット展に出品された新作。意味:顕現、創造者、力、インスピレーションを受けた行動、など。

「TEMPERANCE」17.78cm x 30.48cm (画像サイズ) : 水野の最新タロット展に出品された新作。意味:バランス、節度、忍耐、目的など。

「EIGHT OF SWORDS」17.78cm x 30.48cm (画像サイズ) : 水野の最新タロット展に出品された新作。意味:ネガティブな思考、自らに課した制限、監禁など。

Thank you so much for your love & support in 2024.
This year is going to be busy for me with many big events! Right now, I'm working on a painting inspired by my favorite toy series for a group show that starts in March. In June, I'm taking part in a three person show in LA with two legendary Japanese artists. In November, I'm bringing my third tarot art show to Portland.
And there's a plan for a big exhibition in San Francisco, too! I'm also selling more artist proof figures online and thinking about making more merchandise, etc.
Details will be announced on my newsletter and my social media.


I and my 2025 lemon pig are wishing all of you a year filled with health, joy and happiness!

I'll start selling the artist proofs of my BE@RBRICK figure.
BE@RBRICK is a platform collectible figure series with designs by different artists produced by Japanese toy maker MediCom Toy.
This Junko Mizuno version was part of DesignerCon Artist Series 3 set from 2021.
Clear body decorated with my signature elements, flames, flowers, heart and tooth.

The sale starts on Friday December 20th at 6pm (Pacific Standard Time) on my Ebay store here  (Listing appears at the scheduled time. You don't need an eBay account to buy the item.)
Please read the description below carefully before purchasing, thanks!

Size: 7cm, approx. 3"
$70 each + shipping
Signed and numbered by the artist
Comes with two stickers (one is signed on the back)
*Limit 2 per person: If you order three or more items, your order will be cancelled.
*Sorry, we can’t ship it to arrive by Christmas.
・We can't take requests for specific numbers.
・We'll do our best to ship the items asap but we can't guarantee the delivery date and can't be responsible for the delays caused by the carrier.
・Tracking numbers will be provided by eBay.  If your package is lost during shipping, you can file a claim through eBay.  You have up to 30 days after the estimated delivery date to report the issue.

・Please remember that you are responsible for paying the additional costs such as duties, taxes, and customs clearance fees. We can not predict which of these fees, if any, will be applied and how much the amount will be.

水野のデザインは、2021年にアメリカ・アナハイムで行われたアート&デザインのコンベンション「Designer Con」で、限定アーティストシリーズとして販売されたセット商品の一部でした。


各70 USドル+送料

These are the pieces that I did and sent out last week for the 20th Annual Post-it Show but it hasn't arrived at the gallery yet! The show opens this Saturday (December 7th) and if my pieces don't make it, they'll be in the 2nd drop on December 15th. Sorry this is all I can say for now.

Post-it Show is an annual group show at GR2 Gallery in LA where artists make & sell artwork on Post-it notes. This is not an online exhibition. You cannot pre purchase Post-it note art.
If you have any questions, please contact the gallery directly.
Click here for more info

こちら、第20回 Post-it 展のために先週制作して発送した作品なのですが、まだギャラリーに到着していません... 展示は今週土曜日 (12月7日) 開始の予定ですが、それまでに私の作品が間に合わなかった場合は、12月15日の第 2 回目のドロップで公開されるはずです。不確かな情報しかお知らせできずすみません!

Post-it 展は、LAのGR2ギャラリーで毎年開催されるグループ展で、アーティストがポスト・イットに描いたアート作品を展示・販売するイベントです。オンライン展示、事前購入はできません。御質問がありましたら、ギャラリーに直接お問い合わせください。

Thank you so much to everyone who came out to see my 2nd Tarot Art Show at Nucleus in LA last Saturday! You can now see all the pieces online along with texts & images explaining the inspiration of each artwork. Some pieces are still waiting for their owners and you can easily purchase them online. Click here to see the show!


The show is on display until December 5th.(12pm to 8pm, Closed on Mondays) Come see the art in person and have fun taking photos in front of the big Magician card on the wall! They have new art prints, new Junko Mizuno scarf / tarot cloth, books and other merchandise at their storefront. And they are having a Black Friday sale until December 2nd (see more info below)!

作品は12月5日まで展示されていますので、(午後12時から午後8時、月曜休日)お近くにいらっしゃる方は是非お立ち寄りください。作品は直接見ていただいた方が、質感なども分かり面白いかと思います。正面の壁には拡大された「マジシャン」のカードがありますので、ご自由に写真撮影をして楽しんでください。 ギャラリーストアでは新作アートプリント、新商品・水野のスカーフ/タロットクロス、書籍、その他の商品取り揃えてあります。12月2日まではブラックフライデーセールも開催しています(詳細は下記をご覧ください)!

NUCLEUS, NUCLEUS PORTLAND, SECRET SERPENTS and POPOSITION PRESS are having Black Friday sales that apply to Junko Mizuno's artwork & merchandise.
For information, click here and scroll down. Happy shopping!

ギャラリー&ショップNUCLEUSと NUCLEUS PORTLAND、ポスターメーカーのSECRET SERPENTS、ポップアップ出版社のPOPOSITION PRESSが、ブラックフライデー・セールを開催中!水野関連商品も割引対象です。

Mominu, the art figure I designed for the comic publisher DSTLRY, is back in the first-ever DSTLRY series variant colorway.

This new edition is inspired by the Eisner-winning folk horror classic SOMNA: A BEDTIME STORY by Becky Cloonan and Tula Lotay, and also by the variant cover art I did for issue #1 for the title. This premiere 5-inch collectible art toy, holding a glow-in-the-dark candle and bearing an unrelenting gaze.

First debuted at San Diego Comic-Con 2024, limited edition of 500. $100.00 each (Tax included.)
This figure will be available through retail comic book stores so please ask your local comic store if they carry it.

If you have any questions, please contact DSTLRY directly through the website above.

コミック出版社 DSTLRY のために水野がデザインしたアートフィギュア・シリーズ「MOMINU」に、新バージョンが登場です!

アイズナー賞を受賞したエロティック・ホラーコミック、Becky CloonanとTula Lotayの『SOMNA: A BEDTIME STORY』と、水野が第1巻のために描いたヴァリアント・カバーを元にデザインしました。手に持ったキャンドルは暗闇で光ります。
今年のサンディエゴ・コミコンで先行発売され、生産数は限定50 個。価格は各100アメリカドル (税込)。高さは約13センチです。
