Thank you so much for your love & support in 2024.
This year is going to be busy for me with many big events! Right now, I'm working on a painting inspired by my favorite toy series for a group show that starts in March. In June, I'm taking part in a three person show in LA with two legendary Japanese artists. In November, I'm bringing my third tarot art show to Portland.
And there's a plan for a big exhibition in San Francisco, too! I'm also selling more artist proof figures online and thinking about making more merchandise, etc.
Details will be announced on my newsletter and my social media.


I and my 2025 lemon pig are wishing all of you a year filled with health, joy and happiness!

NUCLEUS, NUCLEUS PORTLAND, SECRET SERPENTS and POPOSITION PRESS are having Black Friday sales that apply to Junko Mizuno's artwork & merchandise.
For information, click here and scroll down. Happy shopping!

ギャラリー&ショップNUCLEUSと NUCLEUS PORTLAND、ポスターメーカーのSECRET SERPENTS、ポップアップ出版社のPOPOSITION PRESSが、ブラックフライデー・セールを開催中!水野関連商品も割引対象です。


My new paper doll page in Japanese doll magazine Dollybird Vol.38 !
If you live outside of Japan, you can find it at bookstores that carry Japanese books such as
My new paper doll page in Japanese doll magazine Dollybird Vol.37 !
If you live outside of Japan, you can find it at bookstores that carry Japanese books such as Kinokuniya.

Thank you so much for your love & support in 2023.
Wishing you good health & happiness in 2024!
And here's the lemon pig for 2024.
It's extra smiley this year!

Last year, I created this illustration for a horror anthology book, DEATH IN THE MOUTH edited by Sloane Leong and Cassie Hart.
They are running a funding campaign to publish the second book now and if you pledge $30 or more, you can purchase the print of the artwork I did as an add-on for extra $30.
Check out the details on the campaign page here.
The project will end on September 14, 2023 11:59 PM PDT.
For more details on the first DEATH IN THE MOUTH book, click here.
昨年、水野が挿絵で参加したホラー・アンソロジー本「DEATH IN THE MOUTH」の2作目を出版するため、クラウドファンディングが始まっています。
「DEATH IN THE MOUTH」の1作目に関しては、こちらをご覧ください。

My new paper doll page in Japanese doll magazine Dollybird Vol.36 !
If you live outside of Japan, you can find it at bookstores that carry Japanese books such as Kinokuniya.