My new resin art figure Witch Queen is available for pre-order at Kidrobot now!
Please note that this figure won't be shipped until it's in stock.
The estimated shipping date is Q3 2023 (around July - September) and it's subject to change. All sales final.
Is she a powerful, outspoken, ahead-of-her-time woman who has been jealously labeled a witch, or is she really a witch?
Why not both?
This evocative resin sculpture by famed artist Junko Mizuno emanates a casual power and a chilling disregard for your categories. Hearts ignite and bloom pale green fire in her grasp… once they have been removed from their previous homes. Crowned in flowers and horns, she gazes past questions of good versus evil and sees her own reality.
アメリカのアート・トイ・メーカーKidrobotが、水野の新作レジン・フィギュア「Witch Queen」の予約受付を開始しています。

Saturday 25th, Rakugaki Group Exhibition is coming back to Giant Robot 2 Gallery in LA.
I made three small pieces with the characters from some of the silkscreen gig posters I did in the past.
明日、LAのGiant Robot 2 Gallery にて開催されるRakugakiグループ展に、水野の作品も出品されます!
The space I live & work in has been getting smaller & smaller with too much stuff… I seriously need to declutter ( and also need some $$ )!
So I’m starting a decluttering project now and will be selling off my AP figures and other stuff that are taking up my space.
水野の仕事&居住スペースが、物で溢れかえって大変...! ということで、これから断捨離プロジェクトを開始することにしました。過去に発売されていたフィギュアの在庫やその他諸々を販売していきます。
まずは2015年にアメリカのKidrobotより発売された体長約20センチのDunny(ダニー)フィギュア、Violet Soda Lady と Berry Chocolate Ladyに、水野の手描きドローイングを付けて販売します!

Phantasy Arcade 3 group show closed today at the gallery but you can still see all the miniature game cabinets designed by over 20 artists accompanied by original soundtracks on
Gallery Nucleus website here.
My miniature cabinet, Paradise Sushi is still available for purchase.
The edition size is only 30 so get yours before it's gone!
グループ展「Phantasy Arcade 3」のギャラリーでの展示は本日で終了しました。
If you live outside of Japan, you can find it at bookstores that carry Japanese books such as

My new miniature arcade game cabinet design for the third PHANTASY ARCADE group show is Paradise Sushi, inspired by the painting I made last year.
PHANTASY ARCADE is a unique art exhibition featuring a coupling of artist and musicians, each artist created artwork for an original, non-playable, 1/6th scale arcade cabinet. Musicians simultaneously created original music based on the artists' concepts. This collection serves as a miniature arcade, evoking nostalgia for arcade games that never were.
The show will be on display at Gallery Nucleus in LA from January 21 - February 05, 2023 and on their website after the opening date.
OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, January 21, 5:00pm - 8:00pm PST.
FREE Admission. No RSVP required.
NEW Phantasy Arcade cabinets will be available for display and sale.
The cabinet is for sale as limited-edition art piece (edition of 30).
本日よりLAのGallery Nucleusで開催されるグループ展、PHANTASY ARCADEのために、昨年制作したお寿司のペインティング「Paradise Sushi」を元にした模型ゲーム機をデザインしました。
各アーティストが、1/6 スケールのミニチュア・ゲーム機(実際にプレイすることはできません)をデザインする展覧会です。
Happy New Year everyone!
Thanks for your love & support in 2022. My 2023 will be another exciting year with plans like a new book project, another pop-up project, Tarot cards project that's been in my head for a long time etc.
I made my third new year lemon pig and it's extra chubby this time (see below).
May it bring all of you good luck & happiness for 2023!