Some of my silkscreen gig posters are on display at Haight Street Art Center in San Francisco as part of Women of Rock Art: 1965 - 2023 exhibition.
You can also see many other amazing old & new gig posters designed by women artists such as Bonnie MacLean, Mari Tepper, Samantha Sirdofsky, Tara McPherson, Dozergirl and more!

“Women of Rock Art: 1965 - 2023” promises to be the largest exhibition of its kind devoted exclusively to rock and music posters designed by women. As this long-overdue survey of more than 200 posters, handbills, and flyers by some 50 artists will demonstrate, women have been active contributors to the rock-poster scene since the beginning, and they continue to be creative forces today.

Exhibition runs until April 14, 2024
Gallery Hours: Thursday-Sunday, 12-6pm
Free admission
Visit Haight Street Art Center website for more info.

All of my silkscreen gig posters are available on Secret Serpents website here.
水野のシルクスクリーン・ギグポスターの一部が、サンフランシスコのヘイトストリートアートセンターにて開催中の「Women of Rock Art: 1965 - 2023」展の一環として展示されています。

「Women of Rock Art: 1965 - 2023」
女性がデザインしたロック音楽のポスターのみを特集したこの種の展覧会としては最大規模となっています。 約50人のアーティストによる200枚以上のポスター、ビラ、フライヤーを展示することで、女性達が当初からロックポスターシーンに積極的に貢献しており、現在もクリエイティブな影響力を持ち続けていることを明らかにする展覧会です。

詳しくは、Haight Street Art Center ウェブサイトをご覧ください。

水野がデザインしたギグポスターは、全てSecret Serpentのウェブサイトにて販売中。

This Sunday March 17th, I'm going to do a live drawing & signing event at Bowers Museum in Orange County, Santa Ana as part of ASIAN COMICS- Evolution Of An Art Form- exhibition.
I'll be talking about myself & my art and will be doing a little drawing demo on my iPad.
Signing will take place after that. You can purchase my books and merchandise at the museum store.

ASIAN COMICS exhibition has my original comic pages and my art toy on display along with over 400 works of comic books, original pages, paintings, prints, illustrations from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, and Vietnam.
It's an amazing exhibition if you are interested in and would like to know more about Asian comics so please make sure to check it out!

Live Drawing Demo & Signing with Junko Mizuno, Asian Comics Artist
March 17, 2024 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Bowers Museum
2002 North Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
*Ticketed Onsite Event: Members $15 | General $20

Click here and visit the event page for more info.

3月17日(日曜日)、カリフォルニア州南部のサンタアナ、オレンジカウンティーにあるミュージアム、Bowers Museumにて、水野がライブドローイング&サイン会を行います。
同ミュージアムで開催中のASIAN COMICS- Evolution Of An Art Form-展に伴うイベントで、自分と作品に関して少しお話した後、iPadでのドローイング、その後サイン会を行う予定です。

ASIAN COMICS展では、バングラデシュ、ブータン、カンボジア、中国、香港、インド、インドネシア、日本、マレーシア、モンゴル、北朝鮮、パキスタン、フィリピン、シンガポール、韓国、スリランカ、台湾、タイ、チベット、ベトナムのコミック本、コミック原画、絵画、プリント、イラストなど400点以上の作品とともに、私のコミック原画やアート・トイも展示されています。

Live Drawing Demo & Signing with Junko Mizuno, Asian Comics Artist
2024年3月17日(日曜日)1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
会場:Bowers Museum
2002 North Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92706

My latest silkscreened poster is for the upcoming Melvins / Boris - Japan shows!
They will be available at the shows and online via Secret Serpents.
They have a very limited pre-sale available now on their website here.
Main edition of 100, and foil variant edition of just 17!


大阪 2024/3/17(日) Music Club JANUS
東京 2024/3/19(火),20(水・祝) 渋谷 WWW X

会場へ行けない方は、Secret Serpentsのウェブサイトからご購入いただけます。

Downtown Los Angeles’ Corey Helford Gallery is having a big group show celebrating Care Bears™️ and I'm taking part with this new painting.
This event will feature new and original, one of a kind artwork, inspired by the beloved, classic Care Bears characters, from over 75 international contemporary artists.

Since I was born in the ‘70s, my favorite is the original ‘80s Care Bears.
So I created ten characters representing the first ten original Care Bears in my own style.
They are enjoying themselves around the big bear who gives them happy energy

I won't be able to attend the opening but it will be a fun event with Care Bears™️ Forever Pop-up Shop in Gallery 2 (featuring limited-edition merchandise) and Friends Forever: The Beary Besties Gallery (featuring the original Care Bears illustrations that started it all by Elena Kucharik, as well as artwork from the original greeting card line) in Gallery 3.

February 24, 2024 | 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm

February 24 – March 30, 2024

571 S. Anderson St. Los Angeles, CA 90033
Open: Tuesday-Saturday, 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

LAのダウンタウンにあるCorey Helfordギャラリーにて今週土曜日より開催される、人気キャラクター「ケアベア」をテーマにした大規模なグループ展に出品するペインティングを描きました。


水野はオープニングに参加することができませんが、グッズ販売のポップアップショップや、元祖ケアベア・イラストレーターElena Kucharikのオリジナル原画が展示されるコーナーなど、楽しいイベントになるようですので、お近くにいらっしゃる方は是非ご参加ください。

2024年2月24日 午後7時~午後11時


571 S. Anderson St. Los Angeles, CA 90033
営業時間: 火曜~土曜、午後12時~午後6時

I made three marker drawings for the 6th Annual Rakugaki Show opening this Saturday!
'Rakugaki' means rough sketch or doodle and I drew the characters from my 2023 Tarot art show on random papers this time.

Rakugaki 6 is a group exhibition running from February 24th, 2024 to March 11th, 2024 at GR2 Gallery in Los Angeles.
Art goes live online here at 12 noon PT on 2/24. Please note that due to the large amount of pieces in this show, they may take several minutes to activate on our site.
Artists are displayed alphabetically by first name, sold pieces will be located on the last pages of the collection.

Please contact GR2 gallery directly for more info/questions.





Two more variant covers I did for comic publisher DSTLRY!

WHITE BOAT #1(1:50 incentive variant. )
NEW SERIES DEBUT from SCOTT SNYDER and FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA, the acclaimed team behind Detective Comics and Night of the Ghoul comes a modern horror classic!
White Boats are the mega-yachts that the super-rich use to traverse the globe-floating islands where your every desire can be fulfilled. And getting invited on board one should be a dream come true...that is until the crew traps and transports you to a remote island where secret cults have existed for millennia, working on something called "The Human Project."

THE BLOOD BROTHERS MOTHER #1 (1:50 incentive variant. )
NEW SERIES DEBUT by Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso—the legendary creative team behind the seminal crime series 100 BULLETS!
Learn the real cost of revenge in this brutal frontier odyssey. Three children set off to rescue their kidnapped mother across the unforgiving Texas plains. Wild animals and bounty hunters follow for blood.


WHITE BOAT #1(1:50 incentive variant. )

THE BLOOD BROTHERS MOTHER #1 (1:50 incentive variant. )
100 BULLETS』シリーズを支えた伝説的クリエイティブ・チーム・Brian Azzarello と Eduardo Rissoによる新シリーズ、容赦ないテキサスの平原を舞台にしたフロンティア・オデッセイ。

日本では、池袋のヴァースコミックス (verse COMICS)さんなど アメコミ専門店でDSTLRYのコミック取扱がありますので、お店に直接入荷の有無を問い合わせてみてください。

The fourth colorway of my Witch Queen figure, Blood Red edition is now available on Kidrobot online store here!
You can also read my short interview on their blog where I talk about how the witch character was born and the ideas behind the design.

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