48 Hours Limited Time Release!
My new Fire Bird Morphik art tile ( limited edition of 25 pieces ) will be available at morphik.com from tomorrow, February 8th 12:00AM PST to February 9th 11:59PM PST.
The image is taken from my 2007 drawing Fire Bird which was created for a group show titled 'The Beast Within'. One of the set of two pieces where a girl is hiding and then revealing her heart. (image below)
Morphik is an accessory series with interchangeable magnetic art tiles. Once you get the necklace or the cuff, you can enjoy wearing different artworks by different artists.
Fire Bird art tile will be available with a necklace for $99, or separately for $30 if you already have the necklace/cuff.
Free Shipping within the US.
Domestic (US) orders are expected to arrive before Valentine's Day but there may be delays due to the current situation. International shipping should take longer
水野の新作Morphikアート・タイル「Fire Bird」が発売されます。
This new colorway of my JUNKONOTOMO mini sofubi series is perfect for upcoming cherry blossom season!
You can get them individually or as a set this time!
This weekend in Portland: I'm taking part in a group show Kowaii Club curated by Mizna Wada with these tiny paintings!
I & Mizna have shared a gallery space twice in the past and I'm happy to get to work with her again along with other amazing artists.
"Kowaii" is a coined word which is a mix of Kawaii (cute) and Kowai (spooky/scary).
"Kowaii Club Mizna Wada and Friends"
January 16 - February 9 2021
Opening: Jan 16 / 12-4pm
at Nucleus Portland
The show will be online at 6:00pm PST, Saturday at nucleusportland.com
Gallery Safety: Attendees will be asked to use hand sanitizer upon entering. Face masks are required. In order to distance yourself from other parties, only a few people will be allowed in at a time.
今週末ポートランドで行われる、イラストレーターの和田みずなさんキュレーションによるグループ展「Kowaii Club」に、こちらの作品2点で参加します。
Kowaii Club Mizna Wada and Friends
オープニングレセプション:1月16日 12-4pm
会場:Nucleus Portland
Happy New Year everyone! I just finished this Year of the Ox artwork.
Thank you so much for your support last year. It really helped me get through the crazy year.
Hope you are all staying safe and things will get better for everyone soon!
PS: Here's the photo of the lemon pig I made for the first time! :D
I designed an exclusive poster for Melvins TV, a virtual event happening on new year's eve!
Rats (2020 zodiac animal) are watching an ox (2021 zodiac animal) rising from a computer while staying at home.
Hope 2021 will be happy, fun & full of energy like the ox in this artwork!
“Melvins TV: Volume 1, New Year’s Evil,” a 5-song live streaming event also featuring interviews and extras, on Dec. 31 at 12pm PST / 3pm EST / 8pm GMT / 7am AEDT.
A limited-edition, commemorative poster and t-shirt, both featuring artwork by Junko Mizuno and Mackie Osborne, are available exclusively to attendees. The stream will be available to view or purchase for a full week following the Dec. 31 debut. Void Manes opens.
“’Melvins TV, New Year’s Evil’ is as close to a live show as we can get during this hideous pandemic,” said Buzz Osborne. “We’ll be doing more of these so tune in and enjoy! Happy New Year!”
Livestream Ticket is $5, Ticket + poster/T-shirt =$40.00, Ticket + T-shirt + Poster=$75.00
アメリカのバンド・メルヴィンズの年末バーチャルイベント「Melvins TV」のために、ポスターを制作しました!来年の干支・牛さんがパソコンから立ち昇る様子を、今年の干支・ネズミが眺めている様子です。
「Melvins TV 第1弾・ New Year’s Evil」は、5曲のライブ演奏にインタビューなどを交えたライブ・ストリーミングイベントです。
チケットは5ドルで、水野デザインのポスターかMackie OsborneデザインのTシャツと組み合わせると40ドル、チケット・ポスター・Tシャツセットで75ドル。
Tooth Guy, Octobat, Egg Lady, Poopy and meatie...which is your favorite?
If you want them all, you can still buy them as a set too!
歯氏、タコウモリ、エッグ子、ウンコさん、肉ちゃん... 水野のソフビフィギュアシリーズ「ジュンコノトモ」、アクアバージョン、単品販売が始まっています。