I'm going to DesignerCon at Anaheim Convention Center!
Will be signing at MEDICOM TOY booth twice on DesignerCon Artist Series 3 BE@RBRICK set and Poposition Press booth once on my new Birthday Party Pop Up Card.
You can also find my pins at Nucleus Portland table.
Check out the image above for the schedule & booth numbers and the images below for the products.
See you there!
今週末、アナハイム・コンベンションセンターで2年ぶりに開催されるイベントDesignerCon に参加します! DesignerCon限定のBE@RBRICKセットを販売するMEDICOM TOYのブースで2回、水野の新作バースデー・ポップアップカードを販売するPoposition Pressのブースで1回サイン会予定。Nucleus Portlandのテーブルでは水野のピンバッジも取扱予定です。
My new painting 'Wings' will be on display in a group show titled 'Lore' at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco.
It's going to be my first time attending an in-person gallery opening since the pandemic started so please stop by, say hi and enjoy the art by over 50 amazing artists!
Please contact the gallery directly if you have any questions.
Myth, Magic, and the Macabre
On View: October 9–30, 2021
Opens: Saturday October 9, 6–9 pm
at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco
We are pleased to present our latest group exhibition, Lore at the gallery. Lore features works inspired by myth, magic, and the macabre. Each artwork, reflecting on the tenets of Dark Romanticism, reveal the artistic fascination with the irrational and the otherworldly. This exhibition features over 50 hand-selected artists from the Bay Area and beyond.
今週土曜日から、サンフランシスコのModern Eden Galleryにて始まるグループ展「Lore」のために、新作ペインティング「Wings」を制作しました。
Myth, Magic, and the Macabre
会期: 2021年10月9日から10月30日まで
オープニングレセプション: 10月9日(土) 午後6時から9時まで
Jigoku Dayu artwork made for my Japan-themed solo show in 2013 is now available for pre-order as a tapestry on Nucleus Portland website until October 10 (12:00 pm PST).
Also check out my tote bag, beer growler and pins on the same website!
Jigoku Dayu/Tayu (Hell Courtesan) was a beautiful, intelligent courtesan who has been a popular subject for many artists over the last several hundred years.
She is usually depicted wearing a kimono with scenes of hell on it and is often surrounded by skeletons.
After getting kidnapped and sold to a brothel, she named herself as "Jigoku" (means "Hell") mocking her misfortunes.
She achieved enlightenment through interactions with an unorthodox Zen monk, Ikkyu.

I designed one of the silkscreen gig posters for 2021 Faith No More tour.
Unfortunately, the tour has been cancelled but the posters will still be available on Secret Serpents' website at 10 am pst today (September 16th).
Hope we'll be able to enjoy and celebrate music & arts without any worries soon...!
The Octobat from my sofubi series JUNKONOTOMO is coming out in delicious chocolate color!
Inspired by the 'Chocolate' painting I made for my last year's
Ravenous Delights food-themed art show, this Choco Octobat is made in Japan using various techniques, from hand spraying to hand wiping and spray masks.
Limited edition of 25, comes with a postcard of the Chocolate painting.
BURGER SAN, the fourth character I designed for the open-world multiplayer game Blankos Block Party will be dropped today (August 25th) at 3PM PDT !
You can take this little guy to go for the price of $29.99 in the web store or 3,000 Blanko Bucks in-game!
This is a digital figure that you can use/collect in the game.
The game is currently only available on PC.
多人数参加型パーティゲーム「Blankos Block Party」のために水野がデザインした4番目のキャラクター「バーガーさん」が、日本時間 8月26日の朝7時より販売開始されます。
価格はウェブストアにて$29.99 、ゲーム内では3000 Blanko Bucks で、2000体の限定販売です。
Women’s Forest, my painting from 2018 will be on display as a part of Princesses Of Power group exhibition co-curated by Guillaume Josue & Ciou at L’Atelier in Biarritz, France starting this weekend.
There'll also be four sets of my marker drawings with cup & saucer available at the show.
Preview by appointment: August 5th and 6th
Opening is on Friday 6th from 7pm to 9pm (Face masks required!)
You can see the images and prices of all the artworks in the show here.
For questions, please contact the gallery directly.
2018年に制作した水野の作品「Women’s Forest」が、フランス南西部の町ビアリッツのギャラリーL’Atelierで今週末始まるグループ展「Princesses Of Power」にて展示されます。