Nucleus Portland is taking pre-orders for my new Moth Lady handmade tuft rug now until July 17th (12:00 pm PST).
Shipping is expected to take 2 months after the pre-order date.
Size: 48 in. x 51 in. x 1/2 in.
水野の新商品・Moth Ladyのラグマットが、Nucleus Portlandにて予約受付中です。
・米国からの発送です。商品がかなり大きく(約122cm x 133cm) 重いので、送料が大変なことになってしまうかもしれません。くれぐれもご確認の上ご注文ください。
If you live outside of Japan, you can find it at bookstores that carry Japanese books such as Kinokuniya.
I'm going to Vancouver (Canada) for the first time as a guest of VANCAF, Vancouver Comic Arts Festival !
It's an admission-free event and I'm doing a talk & two signings.
SATURDAY, MAY 21: 2:30PM-3:15PM
Spotlight on: Junko Mizuno
Talk with moderator Robin McConnell at Roundhouse Performance Centre
Signing in the Exhibition Hall at tables D6 & D7, next to the CLLDF table where you can pick up a copy of my book to get signed!
Vancouver Comic Arts Festival (VANCAF)
May 21-22, 2022
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2W3
The Vancouver Comic Arts Festival is a two-day celebration of comics and graphic novels and their creators, including an exhibition and vendor fair featuring hundreds of creators from around the world. Other Festival events include readings, panels and workshops. Since 2012, VanCAF has been held at the Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia.
5月21日(土): 2:30PM-3:15PM
Spotlight on: Junko Mizuno
Robin McConnell氏とのトーク、 Roundhouse Performance Centreにて。
5月21日(土): 3:30PM-5PM
5月22日(日): 1PM-3PM
サイン会、Exhibition Hallのtables D6 & D7にて。
バンクーバー・コミックアーツ・フェスティバル Vancouver Comic Arts Festival (VANCAF)
期間:2022年・5月21日(土)- 5月22日(日)
181 Roundhouse Mews
Vancouver, BC V6Z 2W3
If you live outside of Japan, you can find it at bookstores that carry Japanese books such as Kinokuniya.

I created an artwork inspired by Osamu Tezuka's Unico for the Kickstarter campaign of UNICO: AWAKENING (ユニコ: 目覚めのおはなし) .
It's available as one of the reward art prints designed by 8 different artists and as Tshirts.
If you pledge $30 or more, you can preorder the prints & Tshirts as add-ons.
The campaign ends on June 2 2022 8:59 PM PDT.
UNICO: AWAKENING (ユニコ: 目覚めのおはなし) re-imagines the classic story by Osamu Tezuka, the "God of Manga" and the creator of ASTRO BOY, for a new generation of readers.
In this all-new, full-color, 172 page, 6” x 9” manga, the Eisner Award winning artist team Gurihiru, and acclaimed writer Samuel Sattin have created a charming story that reinvents Tezuka’s beloved character for a new generation of readers.
UNICO: AWAKENING (ユニコ: 目覚めのおはなし) 。“漫画の神様”であり、「鉄腕アトム」の作者としても知られる手塚治虫の長く愛されてきた物語が、今、新たな世代の読者に向けて生まれ変わる。
今作は新作描き下ろし、フルカラー、172ページ、6” x 9”(約15x23cm)のマンガで、長きに渡り愛されてきた手塚治虫のキャラクターを、グリヒルとサミュエル・サッティンが、新世代の読者のために、魅力的な物語を新たな紡ぎ出す。
Here's the message from Secret Serpents about my new poster for Mudhoney & meat Puppets!
Junko Mizuno just finished her poster for the Mudhoney / Meat Puppets show in Los Angeles! We are taking a limited number of pre-orders in the store now. There’s the main edition, which will also be available at the show, and a small variant edition which is a webstore exclusive.
Click here for more information.
Orders that include this pre-order will ship on or around May 20, 2022.
アメリカのバンド、MudhoneyとMeat Puppetsのロサンゼルス公演新作ポスターです!
Now the drawing is back as a T-shirt design!
Here's the announcement from Ed:
'Debuting exclusively at Wondercon 2022 April 1- 3 at Small Press Booth 08:
The very first Oaf collab shirt by the magnificent Junko Mizuno !!!
This is a very limited run, sizes Small - 4XL printed by Brian Stern on Gildan Ultra shirts.
I'll be sure to put the remaining stock on my site after I get back! '
2014年、アーティストEd Luce氏のキャラクター、Wuvable Oafのアンソロジー本のために水野が描いたイラストがTシャツになって発売!
4月1日から3日までサンディエゴで行われるWondercon 2022のブース (Small Press Booth 08)にて販売されます。売り切れなかった場合は、Wuvable Oafのウェブサイトで販売されるそうです。