You can now see/purchase the pieces from Yule group show at Modern Eden Gallery website.
My Yule lady & wreath set is still looking for a good owner. Click here to check it out!
The show is on view until January 7th so visit the gallery and see all the pieces by amazing artists in person if you are in SF (and if the weather is not too crazy!).

One of my favorite characters, Icho Chan is now available as a decorative candle at Gallery Nucleus website here!
Icho Chan (Icho means stomach & intestine in Japanese) was created for my food-themed painting series so we can remember and appreciate how they work hard after we enjoy our food!
Gallery Nucleusのオンラインストアで販売中。日本への発送も行っています。

The Nurse I designed for a T-shirt about 20 years ago (!) is now available as a sticker at Nucleus Portland website. The size is 3" x 2.3", perfect for your cell phone!
20年ほど前に水野がTシャツのためにデザインしたナースのキャラが、ステッカーとして販売中です。約8cm x 6cmの小さめサイズで携帯などにピッタリ!Nucleus Portlandのウェブサイトでお買い求めください。日本への発送も行っています。
This Saturday in San Francisco!
Yule group show is opening at Modern Eden Gallery and I created this small painting to be a part of it. I also made a small wreath as a decoration (See below) that comes with the painting if you purchase it.
I'll be at the opening from around 6pm to 7pm so stop by to say hi and see the show in person!

Opening Reception:December 10, 2022 6–8 pm
Exhibition Dates: December 10, 2022–January 7, 2023 (Closed December 24-31)
at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco

For the preview list or specific inquiries, visit the 
gallery website here.

オープニング・レセプション: 12月10日 6–8 pm
会期: 2022年12月10日から2023年1月7日まで(12月24日から31日までは休業です)
会場: Modern Eden Gallery


Tomorrow in LA!
I'm taking part in GR2 gallery's popular annual group show, Post It 18.
I drew ten characters from my Hell Babies art book (now available as Hell Ladies) on 3 x 3 inch Post-It sticky notes.
The show starts on December 3rd and the second drop happens on December 10th.
(I don't know which pieces will be for sale on which date, sorry!)
Visit their blog here for more information and contact them directly if you have any questions.
LAのGR2で毎年開催される人気のグループ展、「Post It Show」に参加します。
水野は今回、画集Hell Babies (現在のタイトルはHell Ladies)から10人のキャラクターを描きました。


'Rice' from my last food-themed show The Last Course is available for pre-order now on Gallery Nucleus website here!
It's a painting about the snake & the lady defeating an evil demon and eating all the rice balls that were in his belly.
Limited edition of 100 & signed by me.
Gallery Nucleus is now having a Black Friday sale site wide and if you use the code: THANKS20 on checkout, you can get everything 20% off including this print.
The sale ends on November 28th at midnight so hurry up and grab your copy now!
現在、こちらのGallery Nucleusのサイトで予約受付中です。
Gallery Nucleusでは、太平洋標準時の11月28日の真夜中まで、20%オフ・セールを開催中。
会計時に THANKS20 のコードを入力すると、こちらのプリントを含め水野の商品は全て20%オフとなります。サイトは英語のみですが、日本への発送も行っています。

I created a collectors edition variant cover art for the first issue of PLUSH, a horror comic by Doug Wagner & Daniel Hillyard. This version is exclusively available at Sanctum Sanctorum Comics.
Visit their website here for more info.
They also have my Adventure Time variant from 2018 available!
Doug WagnerとDaniel Hillyarによるホラーコミック「PLUSH」1巻のヴァリアント・カバーを水野が描きました。Sanctum Sanctorum Comics限定の商品です。
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