I created an artwork inspired by Osamu Tezuka's Unico for the Kickstarter campaign of UNICO: AWAKENING (ユニコ: 目覚めのおはなし) .
It's available as one of the reward art prints designed by 8 different artists and as Tshirts.
If you pledge $30 or more, you can preorder the prints & Tshirts as add-ons.
The campaign ends on June 2 2022 8:59 PM PDT.
UNICO: AWAKENING (ユニコ: 目覚めのおはなし) re-imagines the classic story by Osamu Tezuka, the "God of Manga" and the creator of ASTRO BOY, for a new generation of readers.
In this all-new, full-color, 172 page, 6” x 9” manga, the Eisner Award winning artist team Gurihiru, and acclaimed writer Samuel Sattin have created a charming story that reinvents Tezuka’s beloved character for a new generation of readers.
UNICO: AWAKENING (ユニコ: 目覚めのおはなし) 。“漫画の神様”であり、「鉄腕アトム」の作者としても知られる手塚治虫の長く愛されてきた物語が、今、新たな世代の読者に向けて生まれ変わる。
今作は新作描き下ろし、フルカラー、172ページ、6” x 9”(約15x23cm)のマンガで、長きに渡り愛されてきた手塚治虫のキャラクターを、グリヒルとサミュエル・サッティンが、新世代の読者のために、魅力的な物語を新たな紡ぎ出す。