This is the final colorway of my Ailurophile 8 inch Super Janky figure series and it glows in the dark!
It's going to be available for pre-order tomorrow, Tuesday 12/8 - 2PM EST on Superplastic website !
The blue one is still available if you'd like to get them both.

I understand that the people who ordered the previous two colors back in June & September are still waiting but they are all shipping this month, thank you so much for your patience!!
Below is the photo Superplastic sent me of the samples.
I can't wait to finally see them in person too!
If you have any questions, please contact Superplastic directly through their website.
東部標準時の12/8 、午後2時からSuperplasticのウェブサイトにて予約開始されます!(日本時間:12/9・午前4時)

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